If you follow football on TV, and especially if you are a Juventus fan, you probably already know Monica Somma. She is one of the most admired sports presenters of recent years, who worked first on Sportitalia and then on Juventus TV, the thematic channel dedicated to the Juventus world. She and she managed to make the hearts of many fans beat.
Committed to almost always talking about football and giving the floor to others from time to time, however, the Somma may not have had much opportunity to make itself known to the general public.
For this reason, we have decided to dedicate a short article to her, in which we retrace the most important stages of her career and try to frame the future developments of her work. Here’s everything you need to know.
1. The Career of the Presenter
Let’s first see how the career of the Juventus showgirl began. She was endowed with a model’s physique from an early age, but first of all, she started posing for advertising campaigns. She landed on TV shortly after, at first with small broadcasts and then becoming a regular presence in teleshopping, even on the main national television channels.

Shortly after he had the opportunity to move to football, which has always been one of his greatest passions. She was in fact hired by Sportitalia, a broadcaster that for years has chosen to talk about the sport by entrusting her programs to warm journalists and beautiful girls who could enchant the male audience. From there, the transition to fame and Juventus TV was almost automatic.
2. His private life
In reality, Monica Somma has revealed very little about her private life in recent years. Although she does not disdain to tell about her professional activity on social networks, the presenter and model rarely gave her fans the elements to reconstruct the more intimate and personal side of her life.
What is known is that she was born on 11 November 1978 in Milan. She also has a daughter named Nicole, born in 2006 from a relationship with her then-partner, Alessandro Merli, that is THG of the Different Twins. Somma stayed with the musician from 2000 to 2008. she Then lived with Simone Rugiati, the famous TV chef, but the relationship has ended for some time now.
3. Work on Juventus TV
After the experience gained on Sportitalia, Monica Somma continued to deal with football, albeit in less neutral terms. In fact, starting from 2016 until 2018 she became one of the faces – the main female face – of Juventus TV, the broadcaster controlled by the same Juventus club and directed by Claudio Zuliani.

In the two years of activity, the presenter has followed the main broadcasts of the channel, which after several years for a fee had recently become visible to all subscribers of the Sky Sports package. The experience, however, ended very recently, as the company has recently decided to change the face of TV, making it a streaming service.

4. The Controversy With Maurizio Pistocchi
The closure of JTV has actually aroused some controversy that has led many sites to turn the spotlight on Monica Somma. For what reason? At the root of it all is a tweet from Maurizio Pistocchi, a Mediaset journalist who in recent years has often made people talk about himself for the irreverence of his comments1.
Pistocchi in fact commented on the “closure” of the channel (which in reality, as mentioned, has only changed platform) with the tweet that you can read above. To which he promptly replied Monica Somma, certainly not sending her to tell the journalist.
A quarrel was born that continued in the following days and that led Pistocchi to point out that Somma took ” selfies in her underwear “2.
In short, between question and answer, the question went on for a few days and shows no sign of closing, given that the two continue to throw digs at each other.
5. The Future

Now that the Juventus channel has changed, however, Monica Somma’s fans are incessantly wondering where they can see the showgirl again. Will she still have a permanent role in a television show or will we see her devote herself to something else, for example posing as a model?
First of all, it must be said that in recent months the Somma has certainly not disappeared from the small screen. Just recently, for example, she was seen as a guest of Tiki Taka, the Mediaset broadcast conducted by Pierluigi Pardo dedicated to the championship. There, of course, you spoke as a genuine Juventus player, but you also made more extensive analyzes of our football.
During the summer, moreover, he collaborated with Sisal MatchPoint, giving – always on TV – the odds of the bets on the matches of the World Cup, a competition in which unfortunately there was no national team but which has anyway, as at the usual, aroused the interest of many fans.
Waiting to find out where we will be able to see her continuously, in short, we must keep our eyes open to all sports broadcasts, also because Monica is invited very often. And above all, we must also keep our eyes open on social networks, where the presenter is very active.
Already in the previous paragraphs, we have shown you some of his tweets. So here are her official channels of her, managed by herself: you can find her on Twitter3, on Instagram4and, indirectly, on Facebook5.
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