More and more people are deciding to turn their lives around, one of their objectives being to put aside the sedentary lifestyle that has prevailed in them for years and to dedicate more time to exercise.
Many of these people, when deciding which sport they will practice, usually choose to run, since it is an activity with many advantages and easy to put into practice. This is helped by the fact that to run you do not need any equipment that forces us to inopportune disbursements.
Another advantage is that we have no need to join any center or look for any type of sports track, since we can run anywhere, such as the beach or a park. In addition, the fact that it is an individual sport also makes things much easier, since we do not depend on other colleagues to train or not.
When starting to run, it is very important that we take it easy, not trying to recover the lost time in two days, since in this case we will not only reach our goal but we will also have serious risks of injury.
Also Read: Disciplines of Athletics.
We must avoid overstressing and go habituating our body to exercise little by little. In fact, the first day should consist of a simple contact, running for a short time and in a very smooth rhythm, and stopping us so that exhaustion appears. Very advisable to start is to alternate running and walking, ie run for example for 5 minutes and the next two make walking, trying, little by little, that each time is more race time.
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