Walking is one of the most practical and simple exercises to do. Since it does not require much effort or special equipment. This is an exercise that can be done calmly every day and it also helps you a lot to improve your health, including the burning of calories. The latter depends a lot on how long you walk, the speed, and how much you weigh.
Walking is one of the best ways to eliminate belly fat, one of the most difficult to remove. To give you an idea, a person who weighs about 130 pounds and walks moderately, can burn between 60 and 70 calories in half an hour, that is, between 120 and 140 per hour. If you are a heavier person, the calories will burn easier, for example, if you are weighing 200 pounds you can burn between 90 and 100 pounds every half hour, that is, between 180 and 200 calories per hour.
Also Read: How Many Calories Does Running Burn?
As we have said before, if we increase the speed of the steps, the calories will burn in a faster way, for example, if you weigh 130 pounds and walk at a speed of 3.5 mph you will burn between 80 and 90 calories every half hour.
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