Being and above all maintaining physical shape is one of the main dilemmas of today’s men and women, who often, to deal with any problem, go in search of who knows what magic formula that, also due to general disinformation, leads us to believe to resolve the matter in a short time. A solution that may work at the beginning, but which in the long run shows all its limits; as they say: “After the Saint, the Feast is over”.
At the end of the blunder, in fact, everything returns as or worse than before. So why worry and complicate your life when in reality staying fit is very simple and free and, why not, it makes you live happier too?
Well, if you too have fallen into one of these rather fleeting methods, you are in the right place. Read on and you’ll find that staying fit is easier than you think. But remember that the most important thing is to make these tips a way of life.
1. Physical Activity
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
30% of what it takes to achieve excellent physical fitness is gymnastics.

Given that any type of movement helps eliminate excess fat and is always good for you, there are many options for physical activity. From a simple walk, perhaps fast and of at least 30 minutes a day, to heavier activities, we find many nuances.
The best thing to get obvious results is to work with weights and also integrate a little aerobic activity, but only enough, otherwise, the excess causes overtraining and you risk the formation of cellulite.
This is because, stressing the body with a lot of aerobics, the level of cortisol rises, which is the main enemy of weight loss. This hormone, also called the stress hormone, is secreted by the adrenal glands as a consequence of stress over time, such as prolonged aerobic training.
Cortisol indicates an emergency and excessive fatigue situation. The side effects will then be water retention, slowing of metabolism, and catabolism.
An ideal workout should instead consist of muscle toning exercises and a maximum of 30 minutes of aerobic activity, keeping the cortisol level low. So don’t stress yourself out.
Ultimately, let’s debunk the myth that women who do weightlifting become like Arnold Schwarzenegger, as that’s absolutely not true. To reach certain levels takes years and years of competitive training.
The great thing is that each of us can set a goal to achieve, based on the ideal physical fitness prototype.
Specifically, through the weights, the muscles are toned, therefore the lean mass, and the fat mass is less, which is very important to keep fit because, in developing the muscle, the metabolism also increases and you burn more fat, too. sleeping.
The gym is essential for working on lean mass, with the consequent elimination of excess fat.
2. Healthy eating
The Importance of Good Food
The remaining 70% of what you need to lose weight is part of proper nutrition. Eating well is essential for staying fit. Did you know that eating doesn’t make you fat? Obviously doing it the right way.

Restrictive diets in fact lead to slowing down the metabolism and assimilating more. So you have to eat according to your calorie needs. Food is not an enemy. It helps nourish the body and keep chemical and physical processes in excellent condition.
To do this, it is always preferable to choose organic, as over-processed food loses its nutrients.
It is important to have at least five meals a day to stimulate your metabolism and keep it active in order to burn more fat. So it is good to start the day with a good breakfast with cereals and milk (even soy if you prefer), yogurt, fruit, or, for those who prefer salty, eggs and wholemeal bread.
The variants are different but the important thing is to dose everything well and never skip breakfast, as it provides part of the energy you need for the day and, being the first meal, awakens the metabolism.
An often underestimated role is played by mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks, both because they break the appetite and prevent you from arriving hungry at lunch or dinner and therefore tend to eat more, and because they keep you active. the energetic-metabolic phenomena within the organism.
For these “hunger-breakers” it is preferable to consume, for example, fruit, a handful of dried fruit, lean sliced like turkey breast or bresaola, accompanied with rice cakes or wholemeal bread, always in a balanced way.
For lunch and dinner it is good to have more complete meals, enriched with vegetables – which allows you to increase the sense of satiety -, lean meats such as chicken, turkey, beef and so on, or fish, legumes, cereals such as barley, spelled, rice, wholemeal pasta.
Also in this case the variants are different. But it is essential to eat healthily, eliminating too sugary foods, alcohol, smoking, and all that is refined. Password: balance!
3. Drink Lots of Water
Water and Mineral Salts

Our body is mostly made of water, so it needs to take a certain amount to eliminate toxins, purify the body and make a constant change of fluids. You should drink at least one and a half or two liters a day. Furthermore, water helps eliminate cellulite and hydrate the body.
The water can also be integrated with drinks rich in mineral salts, which are important for the nutrition of the body. A tip is to drink two glasses of water as soon as you wake up and before breakfast to reactivate your metabolism, two before main meals to facilitate digestion, and two before bedtime to prevent cardiorespiratory arrest.
4. Sleeping
The Regenerating Sleep

The fourth important thing is, as advised by doctors, to sleep well and at least eight hours a night. This allows the body to relax and lower the cortisol level, as well as production growth hormone (GH), which also serves for muscle development and tone.
In addition, sleep regenerates and relaxes the mind and improves relationships.
5. Fall in love
Love and Endorphins
Last, but not least in terms of importance, is love. Falling in love produces endorphins, the hormone of happiness. This makes life more enjoyable and consequently helps to keep fit, to see things from a more beautiful point of view and is also one more reason to stay healthy.
Fall in love with yourself, others, and everything around us. Fall in love with the air we breathe and feel the emotions and sensations that circumstances give us.
Love leads to happiness. Everything starts from the love that goes into doing everything. So if you love what you do, everything else will be easy for you.
In conclusion, we can add a sixth “beautiful thing” to our list: at the end of this journey always keep fit, rewind the tape and start over!
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