Probably, LeBron James made the most important achievement of his career this year. The Chosen One , or ” The Chosen One “, as he was nicknamed in high school, has in fact managed to bring the team of his region, the Cleveland Cavaliers , to the title , interrupting a fast that for the […]
NBA Teams: Names, Logos, List, Ranking
The NBA Finals ended recently, with the surprise victory of LeBron James ‘ Cleveland Cavaliers, who managed to get the better of the Golden State Warriors. Surprisingly, not because the Ohio team was not strong and did not aim for the title – after all it had reached the final last year – but rather because California’s opponents […]
How Long Is A Basketball Court?
A basketball or basketball court measures 28 x 15 meters in the case of international basketball ( FIBA ), while a basketball court in its NBA modality measures 28.65 x 15.25 meters (originally and according to NBA rules, 94 × 50 feet ). The two professional leagues establish very similar measures on the basketball courts. […]
Who Created Basketball?
Basketball is a sport that was created by a physical education teacher named James Naismith. He was currently teaching at the YMCA, as well as being a Rugby professor at McGill University. The idea of this teacher arose for the seasons of winter, since, despite the cold that he did in the fields outdoors, he […]
How Many Players Are There in a Basketball Team?
Basketball is a popular sport in recent times. Each team has 5 players that are distributed on the court according to their positions, these are Base, guard, wing, wing, and pivot. It is necessary to clarify that in previous times, this sport was played with nine players but with time it was reduced to seven […]